Twin Leaf Dentistry

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Foods for Whiter Teeth

Foods that are sugary can increase your risk of cavities and gum disease, but certain foods can actually help make your teeth whiter. In fact, a few of the best foods for keeping a brighter smile are popular healthy snacks. Here are foods that can complement treatment from our Holly Springs cosmetic dentist.

  • Strawberries: This fruit contains an enzyme, malic acid, that dissolves dental stains instead of causing them.
  • Crunchy Nuts and Fruits: Crunchy foods in these groups, such as sesame seeds, almonds, and pears, offer abrasion that can help clear stains from the teeth while also making the gums healthier with scrubbing action.
  • Green Tea: Green tea is an excellent source of tannins, which are astringent substances that prevent bacteria from attaching to the teeth. Furthermore, green tea naturally contains fluoride that strengthens teeth and polyphenols that have antibacterial action. However, green tea sweetened with sugar can still contribute to tooth decay.
  • Cheese: Because cheese alkalizes the mouth when it is eaten, it helps prevent teeth from being eroded by acids and bacteria. The high calcium content of cheese also fosters strong teeth that are more resistant to decay.

When stains do occur despite eating stain-fighting foods, patients can schedule laser teeth whitening at the office of Dr. Connie Feng at Twin Leaf Dentistry. Just one appointment is necessary to dramatically reduce or eliminate stains resulting from coffee, wine, smoking or other factors. To learn more about foods that help whiten teeth, patients can schedule a consultation with our expert in teeth whitening in Holly Springs.